Deities of Desire
From the heavens and stars godlike beings come to search for passion, or to interfere in lovers lives,
or aid them in their quest for love and desire. Three powerful novellas of magical sensuality tampered with by the gods, good
or bad, will enlighten your heated senses with incredible possibilities of heated romance.
Insatiable Interlude, Ann Cory A woman tries to become human again by seducing a lonely traveler in the hopes of unlocking his
passions and falling in love with her.
Ménage, Mae Powers Three lovers must outwit a devious goddess who tries to use them for her own nefarious
and selfish means.
Behold the Beauty, Megan
Hussey Prince Beau loves healer Agnatha, and with the help of an
all-powerful godling, the two may find the happiness each deserves.

Kwips and Kritiques gave this title three and a half shamrocks
Mrs. Giggles ( gave Deities of Desire a rating of 83! About Behold the Beauty, she said:
In short, this is a sexed-up take of the movie Ever After. . .Behold The Beauty works very well as
a short story because Beau and Agnatha are fun characters, especially Agnatha who just won't let anybody get her down. This
story is a fun sexed-up take of a fairy tale with plenty of humorous feminist slants and I have a good time reading this.
Even with the fact that it's three in bed rather than the usual two, I actually find myself thinking that Agnatha and Beau
really do seem like they are head over heel in love. No doubt their life will be fun of wicked romps and all I can say is,
more power to them, really. . .Megan Hussey closes the anthology by entertaining me with her most enjoyable story.
Read the full Ms. Giggles review here
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