Timeless Seductions
Lady and the Highwayman, Olivia Lorenz
Georgina, a mercenary highwaywoman in the guise of a society
lady, is journeying home, when her coach is held up by a rival highwayman who has a bone to pick with her.
One Soul: Two bodies, Ellen Margret
is Bramwell. They share the same soul, and love the same woman. Separated by two generations, Brig travels back in time to
save Bram.
Silk Enchantment. Megan Hussey
Disgusted by the restrictions
placed on women in Victorian society, Lady Elizabeth vows never to marry. But, with gentleman ways, liberal views, and seductive
techniques, the handsome Lord Rowan may change her mind.
Heart Magic , Mae Powers
Etris sailed the dark
waters of the Forbidden Sea, searching for his heart's magic, until he found her quite unexpectedly, in his own home